Abstract Illuminated Clouds Silhouetted Trees – Square

black and white, square, trees, textures sky, scattered clouds, abstract, frank j casella,
Black and white silhouettes of trees are set against a textured Illinois sky with illuminated scattered clouds. The top of the trees form a sharp contrast with the lighter sky, giving this square format image a peaceful yet abstract and dramatic quality. Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella.

Sometime we can feel a bit scattered, yet God can use this to illuminate our purpose in the journey of life, if we let Him.

Winter Red

nautre, landscape, square, sunrise, red sky, trees, silhouete, winter, red, frank j casella,
A square artsy designed photograph of the winter sunrise sky, through the silhouetted trees, that indicates a snowy day in my hometown of Homewood, Illinois – USA. In life how transparent are we to allow others to know about the person that we are? Winter Red – Copyright 2013 Frank J Casella.


city, chicago, flags, fog, people, square, silhouette, frankjcasella
Fog covers city skyscrapers down Michigan Avenue during the morning commute in Chicago Illinois. Photo: ‘Chicago City Fog‘ – Square Color- Copyright 2016 Frank J Casella.

Struggling in life can help us find answers and make it all worthwhile. What difficulties are you facing? We all go through struggles, and how we respond to them makes a difference. Sometimes we experience pain in relationships, work, or friendships. But remember, even in the toughest situations, God can work things for the better. It’s important to ask ourselves if it’s worth it and how God can use these circumstances to help others. Often, our greatest struggles end up being turning points in our lives or relationships. So keep going, because God can make it all worth it.

It’s The Sauce – Wetlands Trail

art, photography, nature, prairie, wetlands, trail, people, frank-j-casella
The shirt says it all. A surprise I found while editing images from the Homewood Izaak Walton Wetlands Preserve in Illinois. When you experience the beauty of nature, God’s love is the secret in the sauce (at least in my book). Click here or image for more.

Significance and Meaning

Clouds and Trees Black and White – Copyright 2021 Frank J Casella

I found the moving clouds passing over the silhouetted tree branches to be an interesting juxtaposition of shapes and elements. The contrast between the dark branches and the ever-shifting shades of gray in the sky creates a captivating scene. Black and white photography accentuates this interplay, allowing us to focus solely on the intricacies of the natural world.

Have you ever taken a moment to lie on your back, gaze up at the towering trees, and contemplate their beauty? It can be a profound and meditative experience. As you study the branches, observe how they entwine and intersect, creating an intricate tapestry against the canvas of the sky. This simple act can offer respite from the noise and distractions of our busy lives, allowing us to reconnect with nature and find solace in its tranquility.

In these moments, I often marvel at the wonder of creation. Reflecting on how God orchestrated the formation of the sky, the dance of the clouds, and the majestic presence of the trees, we can’t help but recognize the meticulous attention to detail in His grand design. The harmonious relationship between these elements speaks to a greater plan at work, a profound interconnectedness that extends beyond the natural world.

Just as the sky and the trees complement each other seamlessly, so too does God’s plan for our lives intertwine with our own unique journeys. Each one of us is part of a grand tapestry, with our own joys, struggles, and purpose. It is a comforting thought to know that the Creator of the universe has intricately woven us into His divine plan, and that our lives have significance and meaning.

So, next time you find yourself beneath the canopy of trees, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and harmony of nature. Let it serve as a reminder of God’s extraordinary craftsmanship and His loving provision for our lives. Embrace the stillness, listen to the whispers of the wind, and find solace in the truth that you are an essential part of a greater design.

Delete the App, Use the Browser

Photo: ‘Purple Flowers by the Trail‘ – Color Photograph Copyright 2020 Frank J Casella.

My Love And Hate With Social Media.

If, like me, you don’t want to give up social media, because it’s not going away, but you do need a way to seriously cut back, the best way I have found is go off the usual path by deleting the apps and using a browser to access your accounts instead.

Many people don’t think of the browser as its own app or operating system, however, when you use a browser like Vivaldi it also blocks ads and trackers unlike using the apps.

Both the mobile and desktop browser versions are similar to using the social media apps, but with many of the same reduced features distractions. And if you are on Instagram (which I am no longer), then look at this feature of the Vivaldi browser.

You see, I learned from Cal Newport this solution that works extremely well at curbing my social media usage, the pared down version gave me a noticeably better experience. Less distractions, no noise, and better protects you from tracking and data mining.

One thing I do as an artist to keep it manageable, is follow no more than a dozen other artists whos work inspires me. Then a couple times a week I login to check out what they are doing, while I post my latest works. And doing it this way you don’t have to worry about the data mining as much, though it is still a good idea to use a privacy centered browser and platforms.

One final thought is to download the Vivaldi browser for desktop becuse it has a great side panel that makes social media like platforms shine. And their mobile browser works very smooth with platforms like Mastaton and MeWe.

The Thing About Email Domains

Photo: ‘Friends Walking the Wetlands Trail’ – Color Photo Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella

Just thinking, I have to say that email service domain names are a bad online ID that we use for most everything. We all have an email address, or usually need one for subscribing to social media and the like, even though an email address was never meant to be secure (but that is for another blog post). Many of us got our first email address from our phone company or Internet Service Provider (ISP), but they all have awful domain names that benefit the brand more than those of us using them. And the free and paid services have mostly done the same. The two exceptions I know of are mail.com and fastmail.com, they have both a good brand name that says what they do and benefits the user, plus they offer dozens of other domain names to choose that say what we do. On the other hand, protonmail had a good name until it went to just ‘proton’, and vivaldi.net (I have to mention because it hosts this blog) is a memorable name, though I think should do the opposite and change to vivaldimail.net (or vmail.net or VM.net), it has a better ‘ring’ to it and personally makes me smile. As humans we often take the path of least resistance, and this is why I think there is no real demand for better email service domain names. As long as the service works and meets our needs, we don’t care if it benefits the brand we are using, never mind the best way for them to be in business is to serve the customer.

What’s In Your Heart

Photo: ‘What’s In Your Heart’ – Winter scene, morning sunlit trees, with snowy branches – Color Photo Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella.

Whats in your heart.

We all make decisions every day.

When we say ‘yes’ to one thing, then it is at the cost of many ‘no’s’.

We all have a hole in our hearts that need to be filled. What we fill into that void determines our world view.

Said another way, what goes into your mind is what’s in your heart. If you want to change your life, change what goes into your mind.

For example, focus on serving others, and less on self.

For those of us who believe, when we open our mind and say ‘yes’ to God, and let Him dwell in our hearts, then what we say ‘no’ to is a sacrifice that makes life worth living.

We no longer feel that void, because our hearts are overfilled with a true joy and love that radiates to others, and makes the world a better place to live.

Enjoy your day.

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