Why I Always Use a Pinch Dog Collar

animal, dog, golden retriever, leash, pinch collar, sidewalk, sunlight, dog walk, frank j casella,
Buddy the Wonder Dog, with his pinch collar and leather leash, smiling in the morning sunlight. Copyright 2012 Frank J Casella.

There are different sizes of pinch collars; for large dogs, for small dogs, miniature pinch for toy sized dogs. The reason it is called a pinch collar is because you have to pinch on the links to put the collar on and remove it from the dog.

Sometimes these are called prong collars, but that I think is the wrong word. Because the prongs on the collar, when used correctly, mimic the teeth of a mother dog in correcting her litter. Watch the mom and you know how to use the collar.

The dog harness, instead of a collar, has become popular because advocates say it works the same as a horse harness, but I say this is flawed thinking. Because with a horse you need a harness because you ride it. You don’t ride on a dog. When on a horse you are close to it’s head when you pull on the reins, no so much with a dog.

A dog collar is used for identification of a dog, not for walking or training. You can also attach a pinch collar to the dog collar as a back up in case the pinch comes loose (which only happened once to me, and it was my fault). A dog collar has some give to it, which makes it hard to lead or control the dog.

With a pinch collar, you don’t need to pull on it to use it correctly. Let the dog pull on it and make the corrections. You use hand and voice commands to lead the dog to listen and have eye contact with you. The pinch collar provides a night and day difference in the response from the dog.

This and more reasons is why I always use a pinch collar. Do an internet search on how to properly use it, and don’t listen to anyone who doesn’t use it.

Let Dogs Be Dogs

fall, tree, animal, dog, golden, retriever, leaves, autumn, walking, sidewalk, gold, brown, green, square, abstract, heat effect, iphone 5s, frank j casella, america, midwest, illinois,
Photo: ‘Happy Fall Dog Walk – Heat EffectA golden retriever goes for a neighborhood walk down a sidewalk through colorful Fall leaves in Midwest America. Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella. Note: The motion in this image is intentional. The abstract and heat effects are added for presentation

While on a recent dog walk I noticed down the sidewalk two people approaching me with their dogs. Once they spotted me they seemed to have stopped and where standing there talking with each other .. waiting.

I said to myself, “I wonder if they are waiting to see if I will be crossing the street” … “well, my dog is trained so I’m not gong anywhere”. And sure enough, as soon as I got ‘two driveways’ away from them they went and crossed the street.

Once they got across the street, they waved at me in a friendly like manner. I wanted to say to them, ‘nice way to socialize your dogs’.

This is a common thing today, and I don’t know why or what is causing it. It seems instead of dog owners making the time to lead their dogs and train them to be social with other dogs, they just simply cross the street. This is not very good for the dog. But us humans take the path of least resistance when we can.

For example when dogs sniff trees, and pee on them, it not only helps to relieve themselves, but they also communicate with, and learn about, each other by the odors in their pee .. yes, you can call it p-mail.

All of my dogs have been rescue dogs, and one even came with a form of aggression. The dog behaviorist who worked with us showed us how taking the lead with your dog on walks helps him with how well he behaves at home. It took about nine months, but we helped that dog to become a dog again.

It’s The Sauce – Wetlands Trail

art, photography, nature, prairie, wetlands, trail, people, frank-j-casella
The shirt says it all. A surprise I found while editing images from the Homewood Izaak Walton Wetlands Preserve in Illinois. When you experience the beauty of nature, God’s love is the secret in the sauce (at least in my book). Click here or image for more.

You Digital Identity Is Worth Protecting

Lunch Time – Friends go shopping on a Chicago street, as construction workers take a lunch break. Monochrome Photograph. Copyright 2008 Frank J Casella.

In today’s digital landscape, the concept of identity has taken on a whole new dimension. With the prevalence of online services and the constant stream of personal data being generated, it has become increasingly important to safeguard our identities. And one of the key components of our digital identity is our email address.

When it comes to email, many people rely on Gmail as their go-to provider. It offers a user-friendly interface, robust features, and seamless integration with other Google services. However, what often goes unnoticed is how Gmail plays a significant role in shaping our online identity.

You see, when you use Gmail, you are essentially always logged in to your Google account. This means that Google can connect various pieces of information about you, such as your search terms, GPS location, photos, YouTube views, and more, all tied back to your real-life identity. It’s a comprehensive picture that Google can paint about who you are and what you do.

Furthermore, every time you sign up for a new service and provide your email address to create an account, Gmail is the one that knows about it first. It acts as a central hub, recording your digital footprints across different platforms and services. While this convenience may seem appealing on the surface, it also raises some privacy concerns.

However, it’s worth noting that securing your communications is just the first step towards reclaiming your online identity. It goes beyond simply protecting the content of your emails. It’s about understanding the intricate web of data collection and taking back control over how your personal information is used and shared.

Taking proactive measures to protect your online identity involves being mindful of the data you willingly disclose, being vigilant against phishing attempts, and regularly reviewing your privacy settings across various platforms. It also means diversifying your online presence, utilizing encrypted communication channels when necessary, and being selective about the services you choose to engage with.

Email is no longer just a means of communication; it’s an integral part of our digital existence. As such, safeguarding our email accounts and the associated data is essential in preserving our privacy and maintaining control over our identity. By taking steps to protect our identities online, we can navigate the digital world with confidence and enjoy the benefits it has to offer.


american flag, flowers, life, liberty,
Photo: ‘Life and Liberty‘ – Color Photograph of American Flag and Flowers – Copyright 2020 Frank J Casella

I was drawn to this moment of an American Flag mounted on a tree with blooming flowers below it, in the country morning sunlight, because it reminds me of how this Flag is a symbol of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”, a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the “unalienable rights” which the Declaration says have been given to all human beings by their Creator, and which governments are created to protect. Without it we have chaos.

The American flag is a symbol of our nation and our people. It is a reminder to us that we are all united under one banner, and that we are all fighting for the same cause. It is a sign of our strength and our resilience, and it is a symbol of our commitment to our values and our way of life.

The American flag is a symbol that means that we serve everybody equally without discrimination, but we do not show favoritism. Many American flags are displayed in my Midwest community, as it represents the strong support there is for the country among average people. Seeing these flags reminds me that there are still people in America who are willing to fight for our freedoms and the American way of life – even when it seems like the situation is not looking good. This proud sight will make everyone who sees it feel proud and patriotic.

Our woke overlords want us to think that America is a nation that needs to be destroyed in order to atone for the injustices that it has committed in the past. The “progressive” ideology is rooted in victim-hood and requires that America be dismantled in order to rebuild it in their own image. America was founded on the principle of individual liberty and self-reliance, so it’s no surprise that they don’t understand or appreciate this. Why do you have to have the Pride flag shown on government property to be represented? You’re already represented. We already know who you are.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, allegiance is “the faithful observance of an obligation, especially a sworn declaration or pledge of allegiance.” In this context, the American flag is an object of allegiance. Contrary to what some people might think, the flag does not restrict freedom of speech. In fact, it is one of the few things that can unite people from all walks of life under one banner. To show allegiance to the American flag is not a political statement, but a demonstration of patriotism.

The national flag of the United States of America (or the American flag) consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton (referred to specifically as the ‘union’) bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars.

The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy and became the first states in the Union.

Nicknames for the flag include the ‘Stars and Stripes’, ‘Old Glory’ and ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’

Thus the American Flag unites American’s as One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for All.

Springtime Blossom

Photo: ‘Springtime Blossom‘ – Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella.

Many times the key factor of a great photograph comes from it having strong composition. Yes, the story is important but, without strong composition the story gets lost I think.

The inspiration for this photograph came to me when I was out for a walk with my wife and dog, and saw this out from the corner of my eye. The story here is that I love how this moment says new life that brings hope. The colors are catchy and a favorite of many.

I used negative space composition, which is a basic, but often overlooked principle of design, that gives the eye a “place to rest,” increasing the appeal through subtle means. This together with the square format, makes this suitable for framing with a wider matboard.

Likewise, in life, what are the things that get lost because of things you overlook from being too busy and not taking time to rest and think it through?

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