Abstract Illuminated Clouds Silhouetted Trees – Square

black and white, square, trees, textures sky, scattered clouds, abstract, frank j casella,
Black and white silhouettes of trees are set against a textured Illinois sky with illuminated scattered clouds. The top of the trees form a sharp contrast with the lighter sky, giving this square format image a peaceful yet abstract and dramatic quality. Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella.

Sometime we can feel a bit scattered, yet God can use this to illuminate our purpose in the journey of life, if we let Him.

Winter Red

nautre, landscape, square, sunrise, red sky, trees, silhouete, winter, red, frank j casella,
A square artsy designed photograph of the winter sunrise sky, through the silhouetted trees, that indicates a snowy day in my hometown of Homewood, Illinois – USA. In life how transparent are we to allow others to know about the person that we are? Winter Red – Copyright 2013 Frank J Casella.

Why I Always Use a Pinch Dog Collar

animal, dog, golden retriever, leash, pinch collar, sidewalk, sunlight, dog walk, frank j casella,
Buddy the Wonder Dog, with his pinch collar and leather leash, smiling in the morning sunlight. Copyright 2012 Frank J Casella.

There are different sizes of pinch collars; for large dogs, for small dogs, miniature pinch for toy sized dogs. The reason it is called a pinch collar is because you have to pinch on the links to put the collar on and remove it from the dog.

Sometimes these are called prong collars, but that I think is the wrong word. Because the prongs on the collar, when used correctly, mimic the teeth of a mother dog in correcting her litter. Watch the mom and you know how to use the collar.

The dog harness, instead of a collar, has become popular because advocates say it works the same as a horse harness, but I say this is flawed thinking. Because with a horse you need a harness because you ride it. You don’t ride on a dog. When on a horse you are close to it’s head when you pull on the reins, no so much with a dog.

A dog collar is used for identification of a dog, not for walking or training. You can also attach a pinch collar to the dog collar as a back up in case the pinch comes loose (which only happened once to me, and it was my fault). A dog collar has some give to it, which makes it hard to lead or control the dog.

With a pinch collar, you don’t need to pull on it to use it correctly. Let the dog pull on it and make the corrections. You use hand and voice commands to lead the dog to listen and have eye contact with you. The pinch collar provides a night and day difference in the response from the dog.

This and more reasons is why I always use a pinch collar. Do an internet search on how to properly use it, and don’t listen to anyone who doesn’t use it.

It’s The Sauce – Wetlands Trail

art, photography, nature, prairie, wetlands, trail, people, frank-j-casella
The shirt says it all. A surprise I found while editing images from the Homewood Izaak Walton Wetlands Preserve in Illinois. When you experience the beauty of nature, God’s love is the secret in the sauce (at least in my book). Click here or image for more.

The Journey of Life

Photo: ‘The Journey of Life‘ – Holga Black and White Landscape Photograph Copyright 2021 Frank J Casella.

A pathway was created during the hard winter with deep snow, around the flower bed to the back of the yard.

Now that the snow is almost melted, before you know it the pathway will be gone.

Such as in the journey of life …

We hopefully find a pathway to success, only at the end of life to leave the memories of the experiences we’ve had with others and the environment.

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