
people, doctor, medicine, fair, neighborhood,
I chiropractor talks with a patron at a neighborhood festival in Midwest America. Photo: Complimentary Medicine Copyright 2014 Frank J. Casella

Networking plays a crucial role in life as it generates a significant and positive impact. I utilize Fine Art America as my primary platform for networking, where engaging with a modest yet viable audience allows me to establish trust and a reputable presence. Unlike many artists who directly post pictures accompanied by sales pitches or calls to action on social media, I prefer to share blog posts or provide detailed descriptions of the subjects I photograph. Essentially, I harness the power of social media when I witness tangible results, rather than relying on it as a mere tactic to yield success.

During my tenure as the executive director of a local Chamber of Commerce, I encouraged that members who actively contributed to the organization’s mission and volunteered for committees were the ones who reaped the greatest business benefits. Instead of solely promoting their own interests, these individuals invested in building relationships and wholeheartedly engaged with their fellow community members. However, after my departure, many members ceased their participation or chose not to renew their membership. While my influence was not the sole factor, a significant portion of this decline could be attributed to a change in the Chamber Board’s approach, resulting in a diminished perception of the previously emphasized benefits.

When it comes to networking, whether in the virtual realm or offline, the most effective strategy is to selflessly give and invest in the interests of others, rather than fixating on personal gains. By nurturing genuine connections, people will truly get to know you and your talents, leading them to speak highly of you and the value you offer. Although this process may require a considerable amount of time, it surpasses the futile efforts of individuals who spend years navigating social media or attending various social functions without making any meaningful impact on their relationships or sales.

Contrasting this approach, the “big fish” dedicate their time and effort to each individual they encounter, making a positive difference in their lives and actively contributing to problem-solving.

Social Media Sales Truths

Photo: ‘Morning Lit Magnolia‘ – Copyright 2015 Frank J Casella

I’ve noticed recently as I go to and from my days between meetings and conferences, and kids sporting events, that most everyone keeps tabs with their smartphone. As I walk by and glance at what’s so important, I can say most of the time it’s Facebook …. still.

Though I have personally dumped my FB account since 2016, it seems that I’m in the minority. I also don’t have a smartphone, rather a flip phone … still.

When I am out on the street I make a concentrated effort to be with people, and not be distracted … especially while driving the car. I do use social media however on the computer, as an artist, and be very intentional with it.

Many of you who have followed my writing know how much I’m inspired by the Zig Ziglar Corporation. I have pulled together bits and pieces of what they teach about the timeless truths in a Social Media sales world. I practice them, and have come to believe in these:

1) Don’t hide behind Social Media – don’t confuse activity with accomplishment.
2) Write your own blog – example your expertise, integrity, and reputation.
3) = Critical = When posting always include knowledge and information that is valuable to the reader – even if they never contact you. They may refer you.
4) Selling is a transfer of feeling – amplification is key!

That last point, by amplification I don’t mean to say that you post your content everywhere you can. Rather you post content that is valuable enough that others share it and amplify your work and your Brand.

There is nothing more important than (what is known as) a third-party endorsement. In other words, it’s not who you know, but who knows you … and then, who THEY know. Get it!

I also believe that email is the original Socal Media, as your mails can be shared just as easy as any of the others. And now a close second is Masodon, which works very similar to email.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy your day!

Dog At Peace

Photo: ‘Dog At Peace‘ – Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella

After a swim in the lake he sleeps in peace.

Have you noticed how dog’s have a way of bringing peace to the stress of a family or household?

They are filled with unconditional love, when we look for it … and learn from it.

Which often makes me ask the question then, and now I ask you, how does your life bring peace to others … and to the world?

Enjoy your day.

What’s In Your Heart

Photo: ‘What’s In Your Heart’ – Winter scene, morning sunlit trees, with snowy branches – Color Photo Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella.

Whats in your heart.

We all make decisions every day.

When we say ‘yes’ to one thing, then it is at the cost of many ‘no’s’.

We all have a hole in our hearts that need to be filled. What we fill into that void determines our world view.

Said another way, what goes into your mind is what’s in your heart. If you want to change your life, change what goes into your mind.

For example, focus on serving others, and less on self.

For those of us who believe, when we open our mind and say ‘yes’ to God, and let Him dwell in our hearts, then what we say ‘no’ to is a sacrifice that makes life worth living.

We no longer feel that void, because our hearts are overfilled with a true joy and love that radiates to others, and makes the world a better place to live.

Enjoy your day.

The Blogging Newsletters Problem

Photo: ‘Making memories in the neighborhood‘ – Chalk on the sidewalk photo Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella – It’s good to see in this day and age how kids in a neighborhood bond, and without the use of digital technology.

With blogging and newsletters, there’s a new problem – email service providers and email clients can’t keep up with privacy measures and deliver on the marketing promises in their ads.

Readers are missing important email content and it seems to be getting worse.

In an industry that is constantly moving forward, the future of publishing seems to be about meeting the reader/viewer/listener where they want to be. But I say speak from where you are, and make your content attract them.

These days, that means embracing the antique nature of RSS.

RSS is an old technology that many people still use, and it’s perfect for publishing because it allows you to send updates to your readers with a true “open” network.

Golden Hour on the Fence

Photo: ‘Golden Hour on the Fence‘ – Copyright 2015 Frank J Casella

The golden hour winter sun sets on a picket fence, and snowy tree branches, creating a moment of visual respite for end of the day worries and concerns.

When you’re so tired in today’s world, of balancing technology with human interactions, or worries and time management, it’s good to view moments like these as a sign of hope.

To enjoy a moment God’s love, and invitation to distinguish the genuinely important from the seemingly urgent.

What worries you, masters you, until you hand it over to the Master – A new focus, with new priorities, makes a big difference.

Being Committed

Photo: ‘Autumn Wetlands‘ Copyright 2019 Frank J Casella.

The key to vision is being committed to it. But many do you find have a hard time with this?

The path to a full life, and reaching your goals, is to be committed to it. There is no vision without being committed to it. We might find road blocks in the way, or things that change our direction a bit, and without being committed to it we just give up before we reach our goal.

Henry Ford comes to mind, how he said something like “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” as well as “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do” and “Vision without execution is just hallucination.”

One of the most difficult forms of being committed for me is with online platforms, as technology changes very fast. Even if you have your own website or blog, the host can change the business plan and you have to move with the changes, or change the host.

There is also being committed to a relationship, as in marriage, as over the years spouses change and you have to learn to move with it in love. The key to a long marriage is to stay married, forgiveness, and then give each other space.

I thought about this topic for today because there are a number of projects I’m working on in life, and with my pictures. And as we prepare to close out 2022 I’m reflecting on what I learned from them in the past 11 months, and how I want to approach them for the next year.

“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.”

— Zig Ziglar
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